This World

It looks like life can knocks us down to the ground over and over again, doesn’t it?

Sometimes it is one thing after the other and we don’t seem to get a brake.

We spend all our energy day in and day out trying to keep going.

This world can be so cruel, it can make you feel so little and powerless.

But I’ll tell you what,  I’m not going to let this world turn me into something I’m not.  I don’t want to walk around feeling like a zombie.

I have too much to do and too many goals to accomplish.  I have too much love to give to my girls and I have too much to prove.

Listen to me world:  I’m great! I’m wonderful!  I’m powerful! I I’m amazing!

And you know what world?  I’m enough!  I don’t give you the power to drag me to the ground.



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